Membership Bylaws

Membership in the Florida Cracker Trail Association, Inc. is governed by our Bylaws. Originally created in 1994, they were updated in 2017 to reflect the evolution of the Annual Cross State Ride and the Association itself.

These Bylaws were designed for a small group of individuals to quickly put together a “Cross-State Ride” for the purpose of dedicating the roadway. The roadway has been dedicated, and the “ride” has far exceeded the expectations of the original founding members. The ride has continued for more than 20 years with a membership in the hundreds instead of a few dozen. The Bylaws takes special consideration and thought to uphold the FCTA’s mission statement and promote “Keeping History Alive” and to continue the passion of our founding members.

FCTA Bylaws (PDF) (Updated 2017)

FCTA Articles Of Incorporation (PDF)

Florida Cracker Trail Association

The Florida Cracker Trail Association is a non-profit organization of volunteers dedicated to the mission of “Keeping History Alive”, by educating through demonstration, the Old Florida Cracker Pioneer ways of agriculture, animal husbandry, and respect for the land as well as the hardships and joys of life on the original frontier.