Frequently Asked Questions

How Do We Get Across Florida In 7 Days?

We ride an average of 16-18 miles a day, Bradenton to Fort Pierce, FL.

Move Rigs in the Morning:
Drivers move rigs to the next night camp, then transportation picks up the drivers at the next night camp & takes them back to their horses to ride.

Move Rigs at Lunch:
When we get to our lunch break transportation picks up drivers & takes them back to the previous night camp. They drive their rigs to the next night camp & transportation brings them back to the lunch location. We then ride on to the night’s campsite.

What Is The Benefit Of Being An FCTA Member?

Have you thought about joining Florida Cracker Trail Association?

Here are the benefits of an FCTA membership:
~ Join an awesome network of true Florida history enthusiasts.
~ Receive a membership “goody ” bag with FREE merchandise!
~ Attend members-only rides and special events. Including our Annual Ride across Florida every February!

We welcome any and all members who would like to be involved, whether to show support or to attend FCTA functions. We also welcome members of all ages, disciplines, and breeds of horses. Don’t have a horse or aren’t local? You can still be involved!
All of these things are great incentives, but the icing on the cake is to be involved with and to support Keeping History Alive! Become involved and help us share our passion! Annual membership is only $30!

Riding With Us For The Annual Ride And Need Directions?

Annual Ride Itinerary & Night Camp directions are sent out at the beginning of January & closer to the February event. Please email for further inquiry.

Do We Have To Attend All 7 Days Of The Annual Ride?

No! If you haven’t been before we’d love for you to “try” it out, Join us…For 1 day, a couple of days, all week your choice! We pass through some parts of Florida most people don’t get to see but we also travel mainly along roadways to stay true to the route that was taken historically.

Florida Cracker Trail Association

The Florida Cracker Trail Association is a non-profit organization of volunteers dedicated to the mission of “Keeping History Alive”, by educating through demonstration, the Old Florida Cracker Pioneer ways of agriculture, animal husbandry, and respect for the land as well as the hardships and joys of life on the original frontier.